Monday, August 24, 2009

Carl 'Big-Words-McGee' Jung

Current mood: amused
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Well, it's really Gustav, but I think he should have changed it to that. Two years into writing this Sci-Fi awesomeness that is my YA novel.........and I'm still researching and researching and researching. More characters have been developed and even sketched and a few kick ass plot lines have been hatched.

The newest research is: Jung. I don't know why they push Freud down our throats in college, he's kinda creepy. Sex this, sex that...get over your self man! I'm only 50 pages in to this ridiculously massive Jung book but I think he and I would have been total bffs. Just sayin'. Though- my way of speaking includes much slang and a slight southern drawl (though I'm from the NE) I've been having to read this book in a British accent to myself just to understand Big-Words-McGee's language. Culture shock bffs.

Here's a list of quotes (which I'll be adding on to) that are helping me to form the way my characters will relate to reality: (And feel free to add on yourself- if anyone is reading this... and honestly, how could you not?)

From: Two Kinds of Thinking

" can withhold the material content of primitive myths from a child but not take from him the need for mythology."

"How are fantasies made, and what is their nature? From poets we learn much, from scientists little."

"...the fantasy of our adolescent is simply a re-echo of an ancient folk-belief which was once very widespread."

"The fantasy of ambition therefore chooses...a classical form which at one time had real validity."

Up next....Synchronicity(Not to be confused with Michael Keaton's 'Multiplicity,' though, I'm sure there are parallels.)